BCATS maintains data in many categories which is utilized in conducting the planning process. Data in the areas of population, housing, environmental, traffic volumes, transit, and traffic crashes are some of the types of data collected by BCATS. As this information is formatted for display on this website, it will be added.
Non-Motorized Transportation Plans & Resources
City of Battle Creek Non-Motorized Transportation Network Master Plan, March 2006
City of Battle Creek Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2014-2018, March 2014
-- http://www.bcparks.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/730, list of “Original Projects” in Capital Improvement Plan for 2014-18 Master Plan
-- http://www.bcparks.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/729, list of 2016 “Amendments” to Capital Improvement Plan for 2014-18 Master Plan
City of Battle Creek, Current Non-Motorized Network map, updated 9/16/16
City of Battle Creek, Linear Park map, “New” 2016
City of Battle Creek, Linear Park map, from old brochure
Woodland Park and Nature Preserve, http://woodlandparkbc.com/
Calhoun County Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2015-2019
Map of Calhoun County parks, https://www.calhouncountymi.gov/DownloadTracking.aspx?DocumentId=1876
Calhoun County Trail Master Plan, 2015, by Professional Engineering Associates (PEA) Inc.
Calhoun County Trailway
– 51 miles of trail across Calhoun County connecting Homer, Albion, Marshall and Battle Creek.
– Portions of the trail are in beautiful Ott Preserve.
– Will link with the Falling Waters Trail in Jackson and the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail in Kalamazoo County, along with the North Country Trail, the Iron Belle Trail, and the Great Lake-to-Lake Trail.
– Calhoun County Trailway Alliance, http://www.calhouncountytrailway.org/
North Country Scenic Trail
– Connects with the the Calhoun County Trailway.
– When completed will be the longest continuous hiking trail in the United States.
– The NCNST is over 4,600 miles long.
– https://northcountrytrail.org/
Great Lake-to-Lake Trail
– The Calhoun County Trailway will be the county hub for the trail.
– Will connect Port Huron to South Haven.
– Its master plan was completed in 2011.
– When completed it will be 240 miles, connecting numerous tourist destinations.
– www.michigantrails.org/trails/past-work/great-lake-to-lake/
Iron Belle Trail
– The Calhoun County Trailway will serve as a portion of this trail.
– Will consist of hiking and biking routes from Belle Isle in Detroit to Ironwood in the Upper Peninsula.
– Will be the longest designated state trail in the nation.
– http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-153-10365_16839_71459---,00.html
Pennfield Township Parks & Recreation Plan 2016-2021, January 2015
Connecting Communities: A Regional Vision for Non-Motorized Transportation in Southwest Michigan aka Southwest Michigan Non-Motorized Transportation Plan (for Allegan, Barry, Berrien, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Kalamazoo, St, Joseph and Van Buren Counties). Developed by the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission with funding from the MDOT. September 2011.